Saturday, March 21, 2015

Springtime at Bethany's Fancy Dancy house.

My daughter is away on a road trip to visit a friend during her spring break from teaching.  While she is gone, I want to surprise her by doing a little sprucing up of her yard and porch.  

My daughter Bethany affectionately calls her house the "Fancy Dancy" house because it sits on Dancy Street.  She got a good deal on it because she purchased it as a short sale, but the trade off was it needed a lot of TLC.  We painted it the light minty green, added shutters and flower boxes to the windows, and added a little landscaping.  To freshen it up for spring, I simply added new flowers to the flower boxes and flower pots at the front step.

I love the old metal garden chairs that Bethany found in local antique shops.  I brought this one outside.  

The happy little gnome watching over Bethany's flower garden was a rummage sale find.

I found a cute, springy rug and throw pillows for the porch.

The old watering can was another one of Bethany's finds from our favorite local antique shop, Southern Crossings.

This little piggy stayed home.  A little ivy in the piggy planter adds a cute, whimsical touch.

This hand painted greeting Bethany painted on the door welcomes visitors to her "Fancy Dancy" house.  Hopefully the small touches I added while she was away will be a nice welcome for my daughter when she returns from her trip.