Wednesday, January 21, 2015

When the take down is a let down

As I wrote in my previous blog, I LOVE Christmas!  I love decorating for Christmas.  The lights are so magical, the decorations are so warm and inviting.  So taking all that down can be a huge let down.  You miss the glow of the lighted garland on the staircase once it is left empty.  The wonderful smell of pine is missing when the tree is hauled off.   What did my house look like before?  Because I also decorate for fall, it hasn't been "normal" since September!  What do you do when spring is still months away, and you have this winter lull between January and March?  You have the coldest months ahead of you, but you want your home to continue to be warm and inviting.  This is a challenge I have every year.

I love the look and feel of nature. One of the things I love about decorating for Christmas is bringing that nature inside with the tree and live garland.  But you can still add nature in your decorating, even if it's not a Christmas tree.   Adding wood to your home naturally brings warmth to the space.  I decided to use some natural elements to fill some of those empty spaces left when the holiday things were packed away.  I chose things that are easy to find like acorns, pinecones and branches.  And who says nuts are only for Christmas? 

I picked up branches out of the yard and cut each one into 4 inch pieces to fill one of my apothecary jars. I filled another jar with acorns.  This chunky stump was purchased at a thrift store, believe it or not.  I used it at Christmas and it was my inspiration for the other natural elements I used in the dining room.

Nothing says warmth like a piping hot biscuit!   I thought this saying was cute for the winter season.

I filled another apothecary jar with nuts purchased at the grocery store.

I think this little squirrel is precious.  It is left over from my Christmas decorations, but I thought it fit in with my natural touches in the dining room.  She looks like she's eyeing those pinecones I have in the little tea cup!

Simple touches like a bowl of fruit can add color and warmth in your kitchen.

So if you struggle like I do, packing away your beloved Christmas decorations for a whole year, maybe using  nature will help to brighten your spirits and warm your space.  I hope your take down will not be a let down, and  you enjoy the warmth of your home during the remainder of the winter season.


  1. I understand the let down that follows putting the Christmas decorations away. The house which had looked so dressed up is back to rather ordinary. You've done a beautiful job bringing in the natural warmth of nature into your home during these last months of winter. The browns paired with white is lovely! Thanks for sharing.
